New licence with Freddy Beachwear

Area B, a company that has numerous beachwear and underwear licenses in its portfolio, has acquired the license for the new Freddy beachwear line. From the collaboration comes a line made up of about 200 items for men and women, which include not only swimwear and out-of-water costumes, but also t-shirts, beach towels and bathrobes. […]

Area B partecipates in the Swim Show Festival of Miami

This year Area B decided to participate in the world’s largest beachwear fashion show: the SWIMSHOW FESTIVAL in Miami, in its 41st edition, from 8 to 10 July. SwimShow is recognised as the leading platform for the swimwear industry worldwide. As the industry’s most celebrated and established trade show, it is a global gathering where […]

Area B uses CLO 3D

CLO is the leading software in the fashion sector for the 3D design of clothing, upholstery and leather goods. It allows fashion companies to revolutionize the entire product development process. Thanks to CLO it is possible to design 3D garments, bags and accessories, drastically reducing prototyping times and costs. The adoption of CLO and digital tailoring has proven to […]